Conserving the Black-throated Finch

Report a Black-throated Finch Sighting

Observing a Black-throated Finch in the wild is now a rare experience. All sightings of the bird are very valuable because they inform researchers about the distribution and health of finch populations. This means that we can target scarce resources more effectively, produce more up-to-date information and better understand the bird. 

There are two subspecies of the Black-throated Finch. The northern form (Poephila cincta atropygialis) has a black rump and the southern form (Poephila cincta cincta) has a white rump. The southern subspecies is ENDANGERED under federal legislation. Look carefully for rump colour when observing Black-throated Finches. 

Report all of your sightings to contribute to a better understanding of this beautiful bird. 

Observation Details

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Primary Observer's Name
We collect your personal details for the purpose of verifying sightings. Unless you give us your express, written permission, we will not copy, distribute, sell or share you personal information with any third party.
What were the finches mainly doing?
Please enter the approximate coordinates of your BTF sightings if known.